
hiking&climbing w/ Amira!

Wild Horse sculpture & Frenchman Coulee


PlanA was The Feathers, ropes where hanging everywhere, and shuttle bus loads of YMCA kids were arriving. We needed a PlanB, perused Agathia Tower and decided we needed PlanC, Clearview Crag. Bus loads of kids at that parking too! Turned out they were headed to the Sand Dunes so, we had a nice hike and Clearview to ourselves.

By hehnorg

I've been a programmer by trade, "software craftsman" that is. I also enjoy the outdoors and mountaineering and have been a weekend warrior for quite some time now, fifty plus years. Nothing exotic, some good stuff in the Northwest; originally the Montana Rockies and now the Washington Cascades. I've migrated my website over to WordPress for our children to manage at some point.

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